El movimiento independiente
Compartir y Desarrollo del histórico
distrito de Carabayllo hace llegar un
cordial saludo a todos los vecinos de Carabayllo
que anhelan, sueñan y apuestan por el desarrollo integral del distrito
de Carabayllo.
El movimiento Compartir y
Desarrollo surge ante la ausencia de representación que luche contra el abuso,
la injusticia y corrupción municipal, quienes nunca lucharon por los derechos
de nuestro pueblo, más al contrario llegaron
al poder para servirse y abusar del heroico pueblo de Carabayllo.
En tal sentido invocamos a los
ciudadanos de Carabayllo, del Perú y del mundo
apoyarnos desinteresadamente con nuestra labor social al más necesitado
y en la defensa del oprimido; puedes depositar a nuestra cuenta de ahorro nacional Nº 2423060072502 e internacional BINPPEPCP
2423060072502 del BANCO INTERBANK a nombre de Alex Arevalo en cualquier agente del mismo banco, a partir de 20 Nuevos Soles; así evitaremos
manchar nuestro accionar, que es limpio y transparente, evitando el apoyo de
narcotraficantes, traficantes de terrenos, delincuentes y personas corruptas que quieran manchar y corromper
nuestro movimiento político con apoyo económico en las próxima campaña
municipal, como lo hacen con otros partidos políticos y movimientos independientes.
Con tu aporte nos ayudarás a
restaurar los buenos valores, el rescate
de las buenas costumbres y el respeto a la persona; esto con los diversos
programas de desarrollo que tenemos, si los corruptos se juntan para delinquir,
nosotros con tu apoyo y participación activa restauraremos el orden y el
respeto al prójimo.
Carabayllo,17 de
diciembre del 2013.
The independent movement and Share Historic District Development Carabayllo do get a warm greeting to all residents of Carabayllo you crave, dream and are committed to the development of the district Carabayllo .
Share and Development movement arises in the absence of voice to combat abuse , injustice and municipal corruption , who never fought for the rights of our people, more unlike they came to power to serve and abuse the heroic people of Carabayllo .
In this regard we call upon the citizens of Carabayllo of Peru and the world support us selflessly to our social work to the most needy and the defense of the oppressed , you can deposit to our account of national saving No. 2423060072502 and international BINPPEPCP 2423060072502 BANK Interbank name Alex Arevalo on any agent of the same bank , from 20 soles , so avoid staining our actions , which is clean and transparent , avoiding drug support , land dealers , criminals and corrupt people who want to taint and corrupt our movement political economic support in the next municipal campaign , as they do with other political parties and independent movements .
With your contribution you will help restore good values, the rescue of decency and respect for the person , that the various development programs we have, if corrupt together to commit a crime , we have your support and active participation will restore order and respect for others.
Carabayllo , December 17, 2013 .
The independent movement and Share Historic District Development Carabayllo do get a warm greeting to all residents of Carabayllo you crave, dream and are committed to the development of the district Carabayllo .
Share and Development movement arises in the absence of voice to combat abuse , injustice and municipal corruption , who never fought for the rights of our people, more unlike they came to power to serve and abuse the heroic people of Carabayllo .
In this regard we call upon the citizens of Carabayllo of Peru and the world support us selflessly to our social work to the most needy and the defense of the oppressed , you can deposit to our account of national saving No. 2423060072502 and international BINPPEPCP 2423060072502 BANK Interbank name Alex Arevalo on any agent of the same bank , from 20 soles , so avoid staining our actions , which is clean and transparent , avoiding drug support , land dealers , criminals and corrupt people who want to taint and corrupt our movement political economic support in the next municipal campaign , as they do with other political parties and independent movements .
With your contribution you will help restore good values, the rescue of decency and respect for the person , that the various development programs we have, if corrupt together to commit a crime , we have your support and active participation will restore order and respect for others.
Carabayllo , December 17, 2013 .
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